Custom files

Extending the RegexExtractor for Custom File Types

By default, this package scans .blade.php and .php files for translation function calls. However, if you have implemented translation functions in other file types such as JavaScript (.js) or Vue (.vue) the package will automatically fallback to the RegexExtractor.

This allows you to extract translation strings from any file type using regular expressions.

Customizing the RegexExtractor

You can extend the RegexExtractor to match your custom translation functions by adding custom regex patterns.

This is done by binding a new instance of RegexExtractor in your AppServiceProvider and defining your patterns using the addPattern method.

Example 1: Add Custom Function

Suppose you have a custom translation function called myTranslateFunction() in your JavaScript files.

You can configure the RegexExtractor like this:

use App\Providers\AppServiceProvider;
use Vendor\Package\Extractors\RegexExtractor;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register()
        app()->bind(RegexExtractor::class, function () {
            return (new RegexExtractor)
                regex: '/myTranslateFunction\((["\'])(.*?)\1\)/',
                matchIndex: 2,
                group: 'myTranslateFunction'

This pattern will match instances like:

myTranslateFunction('Hello, world!')

Parameters Explained

  • regex: The regular expression pattern that matches your translation function calls.
  • matchIndex: The index of the capturing group in your regex that contains the string to extract.
  • group: A label used to group extracted strings from similar functions.