
The translations:sort command is used to sort translation files by keys using the sorter specified in the configuration.


php artisan translations:sort [options]


  • --source: The source language for the translations to sort (default: ‘en’)
  • --all: Sort all files found in the configured language folder


This command sorts the translation keys in the specified language file(s) using the sorting method defined in your configuration. It helps maintain a consistent order across your translation files, making them easier to manage and compare.


  1. Sort translations for the default source language (English):
    php artisan translations:sort
  2. Sort translations for French:
    php artisan translations:sort --source=fr
  3. Sort all translation files in the configured language folder:
    php artisan translations:sort --all

    The command will sort the specified translation file(s) and update them with the sorted keys.