
The translations:check command is used to find missing translations in your project.


php artisan translations:check {target} [options]


  • target: The target language for the translations


  • --source: The source language used for the translation provider (default: ‘en’)
  • --translate-missing: Translate missing translations using the translation service
  • --sort: Sort JSON translation files


This command checks for missing translations in the config source_paths files, and finds missing translations and add them accordingly. It can optionally translate missing entries and sort the JSON files.

When providing the --translate-missing option, the command will need a source language to translate the missing entries. This will generally be the primary language used in your application, defaulting to en.


  1. Check translations for French:
    php artisan translations:check fr
  2. Check translations for German, translating missing entries and sorting the file:
    php artisan translations:check de --translate-missing --sort
  3. Check translations for Spanish, using Italian as the source language:
    php artisan translations:check es --source=it

    The command will display the results, showing whether any missing translations were found and updated.